Swelling After Surgery ~ DVT - Living With Deep Vein Thrombosis

Monday, December 24, 2007

Swelling After Surgery

Well it was interesting after getting out of the hospital how much swelling I encountered in my leg. The doctor told me to expect this but I have to say it was a little shocking. It looked more like pooling of blood in my leg than swelling. My leg was very dry (or ashy) and the overall shape of my lower leg became distorted.

The good news is that as time went on this swelling got less noticeable (a couple of years later). Even though it became less noticeable every now and then I it seems to swell more than at other times. The doctor told me that this could be my body passing clots throughout my system. I think it is more timed around me forget to take my coumadin.

I want to get off this stuff because taking a pill every day at 36 is no fun.