Vascular Suregon and Family Doctor Say No To Diving with DVT's
After investing $500 in classes and $700 in equipment I find out that I can not go scuba diving with my DVT condition.
Contrary to everything I read online, in reality if you have a good Doctor they are going to say. My doctor explained in detail why and I will try to do my best to reguritate that information for readers thinking of diving with blood clots.
First of all if you have blood clots in your leg, then you more than likely have them in your lungs also. This is known as a pulminary embolism. This alone makes it dangerous to dive and it is listed on the medical approval form for NAUI as a condition that will make it risky for you to dive.
Second of all, if you have blood clots in your lungs and legs then you more than likely have a few in your brain and that makes its really risky to dive with DVT or blood clots.
My Vascular surgeon said he has approved people to go 15 and 20 feet but highly recommended that I opstain from diving becuase of the many risks.
Finally, with the Venal Cava Umbrella I have is not rated for diving. I am doing research on this now and will post more but the vascular surgeon says it says it on the box to not exceed 10-15 feet underwater on it. (more info on Venal Cava Umbrella)